Taryn Broderick and Chris Hanlon: Luna

Ken’s comments:  I have consistantly stressed the importance of early, extensive and proper training being key to a happy and healthy dog.  It prevents miscommunication between owner and dog and encourages the formation of a proper and trusting bond. 

 I love it when new owners contact me and want to start off on the right track immediately.  The is ESPECIALLY true with larger breed dogs.  Many owners do not realise the damage they are doing by allowing their puppy to jump on them because they think that it is cute.  The puppy learns early on that doing so is wonderful but cannot understand at 8 months when it weighs 80 pounds, why is it not welcome anymore.  When owners do one on one consultations with me immediately, issues like this can be prevented.  I also feel very honored to be involved at this stage as I get to watch the development and growth of the puppy.

Some puppies grow larger and bigger than others. This is the case with Luna.  Luna is part of a litter of three puppies that have come to Newfoundland.  I am watching these guys grow and develop into wonderful dogs.  The owners all participated in one on ones, graduated basic obedience and are two weeks away from finishing advanced obedience.  They are meeting all the weekly challenges and the videos that Tara and Chris are posting of Luna are AMAZING.  Considering she is still less than a year old…it is even more impressive.   Good, dedicated and knowedgable owners mean happy, healthy, confident dogs.  Luna, Taryn and Chris  are a great example of this.

This is their story sent to me by Taryn:

This story is probably a small success in a lot of people's books but to us it's huge!  We welcomed our Great Dane Luna back in April when she was only 10 weeks old. Given her size (35 lbs) we thought it would be best to get ken in for a one on one right away to start us out in the right track - it also being our first puppy.  The first few days were of course a challenge - luna liked being bitey and running the show. Ken gave us the tools to teach luna the rules of the house, and how best to behave.  Pulling was a huge issue on walks - to the point where nothing seemed to work. We started obedience training with ken and are now in the midst of level two and luna is doing fantastic. Fast forward to today - luna is an 11 month old, 130 lbs pup who is a pleasure to walk (while keeping my arm intact!) and she's become the "gentle giant" we always knew she could be.  She loves just relaxing, watching tv (so true) and going to doggie daycare - which I fully recommend as it's helped tremendously with socialization and giving her some great exercise. I'm so happy we started off the right way with ken and have continued his methods and taken his advice because it's made for a happier home and a happier pup!! 

This is Luna at 10 weeks old at her one on one with Ken:


Here she is now:
