Rose Brophy:  Brandi

Kens Comments:  There are many many benefits and positives that come from establishing a group like For the Love of Dogs.  I believe, even after eight years of running this group, that it is still only scratching the surface to the good and potential that can be harnessed.  Brandi is one of those stories.  I remember seeing her picture and story on Facebook.  She had a rough start to life, lived outside under the patio for her entire existence.  It was sad.

Fortunately Rose Brophy also saw the posting.  At the time, she and Aero were attending the group walks and were looking to expand their pack.  I remember Rose contacting me after she met Brandi saying she was bringing her home.  Brandi did not know how lucky she hit it.   Gone was her life of sleeping underneath a patio.  Gone was her life of litter after litter of puppies.  Now she was in a house with another dog, sleeping in an actual bed with humans, she was spayed and enrolled into training. 

Like many dogs with Brandi’s background, there were challenges.  Fortunately Rose, Michaela and Allister were quite prepared to work through these with her.  She went from a timid reactive dog to one that was quite happy and confident,  She has always walked quite proudly with me and mine on the walks from day one but she grew to accept and love others as well.  She now has all kinds of friends, both human and dog, happily “chirps” on the walks (Rose’s term for her telling me to get on with the walk) and has completed level one obedience with plans to complete level two in the spring.

Here is her story from Rose

Two years ago we saw the saddest picture posted on Facebook. My heart broke to see those big sad eyes. The back story on this little dog was heart wrenching. She had never known love only cruelty. Her belly was actually to the ground, swollen from so many litters. her private parts are actually hanging outside her body (people have mistaken her for a male or having poop hanging off her) She had survived on her own with only a few scraps to eat and  littler after little of puppies.  She lived outside in all kinds of weather, under a bridge or a patio.  

Off we went to introduce Aero, a pampered overweight Chocolate lab to possibly his new sister.  We introduced them off leash and they hit it off immediately!  Even though it was only supposed to be an initial meeting, we could not leave her.  Brandi had stolen all of our hearts and we loaded her into the truck immediately.  

When we arrived home, I let them out in the yard and under the patio Brandi crawled under the patio to cuddle down. I had to crawl under to get her out.  Aero tried his best to get her to play but this was an unknown concept to little doll.  She had no idea what to do.  The next day off we went to our Sunday pack walk.  That was the first time I had even imagined what a life Brandi had had.  I am a seasoned dog owner and had complete control of Aero but Brandi was an eye opener.  She attacked every dog on that parking lot.  I was shocked! Here was this little 20 lb dog attacking great danes!  The dogs had only to look at her and she was in full attack mode. I remember saying to Ken " i have the dog from hell!   

Walking was not good. Brandi had never had a collar, let alone been walked on a leash.  Ken assisted with walks, fitted her with a training collar and we enrolled in level one obedience classes.  We kept walking with the pack, keeping a wide berth between Brandi and every other dog.  As time passed and with much patience and  practice, she started to learn what life as a dog was truly about. We still have to feed her from hand because she will go without food if not encouraged to eat. She learned to play with a ball, play tug of war with Aero and can actually go on a pack walk surrounded by her friends with confidence.  

She now tucks in next to Maddie, Mace, Diesel, Lucy and loves walking next to Tanner, Rigger and Morgan.  At 10:00 she starts hopping around  as her cue to let everyone know it is bed time...and this little princess actually sleeps in a bed!   I am so proud of how far Brandi has come.  She has walked in two Santa Claus parades with the For the Love of Dogs group and can be described as a social butterfly at daycare.  Her first trip to daycare had my nerves all a flutter. I was sure I was getting a call that she had attacked and injured another dog.  I was wrong!  Little Miss Brandi as she is known by many has become my little doll and has won the hearts of everyone who hears her story.  Thank you to Ken Reid and the dog group for their patience and understanding. If you ever hear a chirping little dog with her tail always wagging furiously you will know immediately it is my little miss Brandi!   And yes she is the one continuously back talking Ken when ever he stops for breaks on the walks .

Here she is on one of the walks with her momma, her brother Aero, and Maddie…one of her friends and another success story.