Rexene Lockyer: Tuukka


Ken’s Comments: 

Not every case I deal with is a hard luck case.  Sometimes owners just need a hand dealing with some totally normal but problem behaviours.  Things like housebreaking, barking, mouthing and nipping are all prime examples of behaviour I regularly encounter on one on ones.  Such was the next case.

Rexene started a dog walking group in Gander called “The Gander Pooch Patrol” and modelled it after For the Love of Dogs.  She got in touch with me with her idea of founding this group, we discussed some of the problems that she could encounter and she began doing the walks.  The group has regular members and walks now and I am proud to say, I was able to attend one of their walks this July.

Rexene asked if she and Tuukka (a beautiful young golden retriever) could see me while I was in Gander.  I, of course, responded with a “hell yes”!.  Tuukka is an amazing boy just really exuberant.  Myself and Rexene worked out a behaviour plan to improve his manners and set him up for success.  It was a lot of pain in the butt work that required time, consistency and patience.  However, Rexene wanted what was best to Tuukka and was more than up for the task.

Rexene has kept in touch with me since and I am happy to report that things are much more relaxed in the Lockyer household and Tuukka is developing into an AMAZING dog.

Here is their story from Rexene:

My name is Rexene Lockyer and I am the founder of The Gander Pooch Patrol.  Last November we welcomed an amazing boy, Tuukka, into our home.  He is a Golden Retriever.  Ken notified me that he would be taking part in the Ride for Sight in June and was interested in joining in on one of our weekly walks and providing advice to anyone who wanted it.  At the time the only behavior that I was noticing in Tuukka that was a problem was counter surfing and tugging on the leash when I was walking him.  


Our neighbor, who lives across the road, has a wonderful dog named Steeler who our dog loves to play with.  The week before Ken’s visit to Gander, Tuukka pushed his way past me (almost knocking me down) and ran out the front door right in front of a truck that was driving down the road.  The lady in the truck slammed on the breaks but she thought she had hit him and sat with her hands covering her eyes when I ran out to get him.  The next day it happened again, this time he knocked down my granddaughter and ran into traffic again.  I was at a loss of what to do and the entire family was nervous about opening the door to go out.  I booked a one on one with Ken and he gave me some suggestions and material to read.  The whole family got on board and starting implementing his suggestions right away.  Since then, Tuukka has settled down quite a bit.  We practice entering and exiting the doorways with him and we practice the heel command many many times a day and thank God it hasn’t happened since.  I will always be grateful to Ken because I feel he gave us the guidance and suggestions we needed to save our boy’s life.  I plan on having him tested for a Therapy dog when he matures a little more and that will be my way of "giving back" and spreading joy to others.


P.S. as for the counter surfing…..I don’t know if I’ll ever deter him from that because he loves to eat!