Deanna Houston: Phoebe

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Ken’s comments:  For the Love of Dogs is a group that I started very early in my training career.  It has been operating for roughly 8 years now.  It has been a project of the heart for me and one that I am very very proud of.  One of the main aims of the group is to offer people a safe and controlled environment to socialize their dogs properly.  It has also been a big part of the spread of my reputation.  Many people find me through referrals from members of the group.  Deanna found us this way.

I remember walking into class and meeting Phoebe.  Phoebe is a young nutty boxer.  I saw her, she saw me and it really was love at first sight.  I bent down, she got up into my arms for scratches and hugs and it has been that way with us ever since.  She LOVES my attention.  When I took her in class to demo, she sat prouder and tried sooooo hard to please.  It was amazing to watch.

 Deanna and Phoebe have been regulars on the group walks, have graduated basic obedience, and recently attended the St. John’s Santa Claus Parade.  While Phoebe can still have her moments, for the most part, she is wonderful.  Deanna has walked her with my Labrador, Morgan, multiple times and you can see the pride on her face when she is walking with him.  She also has many friends in the group.  It has been wonderful to watch her progress and grow into the dog that she is and I am so proud to be a part of it.

Deanna and Phoebe's story. 

 My youngest son, age 13 now, kept asking about getting a dog.  Being a single mom of two teenaged boys, the only daughter of aging parents parents and a nurse doing shift work, I felt that I couldn't commit to the the time and energy required.  I looked at it as more 'work'.  Some time went by and a cute little skinny pig satisfied the 'pet need' briefly. But then I saw her sweet face on Facebook!.....16 months old, in her first heat and her 19 year old owner of 4 months needing to re-home her as soon as possible.  He was CONA student and going to be on lengthy work terms.  When he dropped her off to me, he had tears in his eyes. Phoebe watched him leave and sat at the window for a bit... But became distracted by the piggy....I put the pig safely away.  She settled into the family and there was lots of love, fur and fun......until our first couple of walks on our local trail.  Phoebe would lunge, pull, growl, bark and salivate at the sight of another dog!!!! I was totally beside myself because trail walking is one of my biggest pleasures.  This kept up and the 'fun' was dwindling for me.... I dreaded encountering other dogs and only walked during the quieter times.  Then, one day on the trail, we passed a young man and his dog and Phoebe showed off her rude and dog aggressive behaviour while buddy's dog sat nicely.  He told me about 'FOR THE LOVE OF DOGS', the walks, and Topsail Star classes.  In the meantime, it was all I could do to hold onto Phoebe and shout over her barking.  Needless to say, the couple months I'd had her was almost mesmerizing!!!  I had no intention of giving up and now there was hope!!  We went to our first class....met Ken.....Phoebe fell in love....and the rest is history!!! We still have moments but I am so proud of my girl, we totally enjoy the walks and have met many, many awesome people!! Thank you Ken for creating the environment of support, love and success!!!!......for the love of my dog.