Some things my dogs have taught me

  1.  Live totally in the moment:  Have you ever seen a dog run?  Play with a ball?  Enjoy a simple head scratch.  They are living in the moment.  The past is done, the future is unknown.  The present is what is important

  2. Size does not matter as much as mental capacity and attitude:  I have known 10 pound dogs who control a room, I have seen 150 pound mastiffs bow down to 15 pound pugs.  

  3. Forgive and forget: I have had dogs come into my home wanting to eat my three only to have them all cuddling hours later.  Would not the human world be grand if all we needed to do to stop hatred is take a walk with our enemy?

  4. Love unconditionally:  Staring into a dog’s eyes as I scratch it’s head I realize that in that look, God made a creature who so exemplifies unconditional love that we humans can only hope to match it.

  5. Enjoy the simple things:  a walk with a loved one, a couple of meals a day, a warm and dry place to sleep, exercise and some companionship...a dog does not need nor want anything more.  Given the choice between a lonely mansion and a tent with his owner, the dog will choose the tent each and every time.

  6. Love is automatically given, respect has to be earned.

  7. A good stretch and a head shake will clear the head and prepare the body for just about anything.

  8. Meals are meant to be enjoyed to their fullest.

  9. Proper communication is so important, shouting accomplishes nothing

  10. If confrontation is needed, make it short and to the point but effective then move on.  With confrontation, an effective little bit goes a long way.

  11.   Communication has to be two way.

  12. There is always time to stop, breathe and smell the flowers.

  13.   For instant fun, just add water

  14. Friends and family make everything better

  15. Be loyal and faithful to loved ones, hold them close.  Show them you love them and how important they are to you with every interaction.

  16. A good walk is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures.  There is no problem too big, no situation too difficult that it cannot be put into perspective by a walk.