Changing the Conversation

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Damn it!! 

This question of the day on VOCM and KRock, a lot of the "discussion" that is taking is the same old same old. It is not helping and it is not productive.
There are polarizing sides...

side one: ban the pit bull...look at these pictures, they are horrific. This is a big and powerful breed...

side two: ban the owners, there is no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners, look at the pictures of my pitty cuddling with my kid...

I understand it. I really do. Is it helpful? Not for a second.

A pit bull attack can be horrific. So can ANY attack of any medium to large size dog (and for that matter, some small dog attacks)

Are all pitties awesome dogs? They have the potential to be but sadly, that is not the case. JUST LIKE ANY DOG

Are all pitty owners responsible? Nope...JUST LIKE those of ANY DOG

Are all owners of reactive pitties irresponsible? Nope...JUST LIKE ANY DOG OWNER.

Let's move beyond that type of discussion and move toward addressing the issues.

Responsible Breeding
Responsible Pet Ownership
Early Extensive and Proper Socialization
Providing your dog with the physical and mental stimulation it needs
Recognizing issues when you have them and not making excuses for them
Working to address issues that come up
Continue working on those issues
Managing them effectively to protect yourself, your dog and the general public.

When this starts happening, I think the conversation itself will evolve into something much more productive.

More of my 2 cents while listening to all the discussion going on